The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
– Thomas Edison
Hunt Spinal Care: Chiropractic Center in Tulsa
NUCCA is a progressive highly advanced technique within the field of Chiropractic. It places great significance on the correction of the entire spine. The corrections are all made from the top vertebrae of the spine. This spinal bone (atlas) is located just beneath the skull and surrounds a portion of the brainstem. NUCCA is a painless and safe procedure that restores body balance and nerve function, allowing the body to heal itself the way nature intended, achieving optimal health naturally. If the atlas is misaligned then the entire spinal system will be out of alignment.
NUCCA is an acronym for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association and was founded in 1966. Its origins lie primarily in the research conducted during the 1940’s by the late Dr. John F. Grostic. This research was expanded upon by Dr. Ralph R. Gregory.
QSM3 (Quantum Spinal Mechanics 3) is at present the progressive upper cervical chiropractic procedure. It was founded on the principles of traditional upper cervical procedures but with the vision to advance the corrective technical approach into the 21st Century. It is science-based, precise, and dedicated to the continued advancement of the works of Palmer, Grostic, and Gregory.
Its model to correct the degenerative effects of spinal misalignment is the future of our profession and the foundation of health.
The doctors of QSM3 look beyond the traditional model of its predecessors by an advanced analysis of the whole human frame from pelvis to skull. This comprehensive approach brings more specificity in an attempt to reduce spinal corrections and optimize results. QSM3 incorporates the traditional atlas subluxation complex (ASC) as its cornerstone but searches further. This full posture technique restores the body to its highest mechanical potential.
Upper Cervical Progressive Chiropractic has always had the goal to restore the body to its orthogonal position. The QSM3 procedure is a progression of these great chiropractic works. For more information go to
NUCCA Cuts Blood Pressure
The NUCCA technique made history in 2007, when a medical doctor realized that NUCCA can significantly lower high blood pressure. The study leader George Bakris, MD stated, “this procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination.” Click here for the entire article.
How is the NUCCA work performed?
After a detailed health history is taken, the NUCCA doctor will examine your spine. This measurement is used to determine if your spine requires a correction.
If it is determined that you have a subluxated spine, three specific x-rays will be taken. The x-rays are analyzed and precise mathematical calculations are used to determine the proper direction for the spinal column to return towards normal. The correction is unique to each individual. There is no guesswork involved.
The adjustment is a series of gentle subtle corrections near the ear (the location of the atlas vertebra). It takes very little force to correct body imbalance. There is no need for twisting or popping of the neck and/or back. Because it is important for you to receive the best possible correction after your initial adjustment, the doctor will take two follow up x-rays to see how well your spine responded to the adjustment. Follow up x-rays are typically taken only after the initial adjustment. This allows the NUCCA doctor to determine if a favorable correction has been achieved, or if more work is necessary to complete the correction. When the spinal correction is made and body balance is restored, muscles immediately begin to relax, blood and oxygen circulation is improved, healing messages flow from the brain to the effected areas– and THE HEALING PROCESS IS RESTORED!
Why Is Body Balance So Important?
“Better than 90% of the energy output of the brain is used in relating the physical body to its’ gravitational field; the more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy available for thinking, metabolism, and healing”
– Roger Sperry, Ph.D., Nobel Prize for Brain Research 1981
The spinal column remains balanced as long as the weight of the head is centered over the neck. When the weight of the head is shifted off center, due to an accident or injury, the body will compensate and move into an imbalanced position. In an effort to keep the head centered over the neck, the spine and pelvis will twist and lock into a stressed position.
This imbalance shows up with a high and low hip, long and short leg phenomenon, twisting of the body framework, muscular imbalance, abnormal movement, and over time progressive wear and tear.
This body position can cause stress, tension and pressure on the entire nervous system, most importantly the brain stem (base of the brain).This is very important because our body shuttles millions of chemical and electrical impulses back and forth from the brain to every cell of our body each day. Any distortion or restriction of those messages (nerve impulses) can affect every body function. Many of these messages are unconscious such as digestion, circulation and breathing.
If this is not corrected, the long term effect is degeneration of that part of the body serviced by those restricted messages-resulting in mild to severe pain, lowered immune system, behavioral changes, organ dysfunction, loss of mobility in limbs, and ultimately-disease.
When the spine is subjected to significant stress or injuries the connective tissue that holds our spine together will tear loose, break down and lock the spine in a stressed position. This is known as the subluxated spine or spinal misalignment.
The spinal misalignment will interfere with normal transmissions of the nerve impulses and/or irritate the nerve cells, which control and coordinate all organs and functions in the body keeping us healthy. This leads to:
• Muscular imbalance
• Abnormal movements
• Locking of the spinal joints
• Disrupting the functions of the nervous system
The subluxated spine is progressive and degenerative, getting worse over time.
A very small percentage of the nerves in the human body are responsible for carrying pain messages, therefore a subluxated spine can exist, creating neurological distress and no pain or symptoms may be experienced at that time. It is not until further structural & neurological changes occur that we experience symptoms relative to the initial trauma. Consequently, the majority of injuries may not become symptomatic for 2 – 3 years following an injury and at times 7 – 10 years following an initial trauma.